Ms. Naomi Koyama from The Japan Foundation paid a visit to Polinema in order to introduce the latest Japanese learning methods in preparation for entering the industry. Ms. Naomi Koyama was received by the Expert Staff of Vice Director IV, Drs. Ir. Abdullah Helmy, M.Pd, Ph.D., Head of Office of International Affairs (KUI), Hilda Cahyani, SS, M.Pd, Ph.D., Japanese Lecturer of Polinema, Dr. Ester Hesline, M.Pd and Maria Magdalena Ike from KUI at Director’s Office on Friday (13/03/2020).

The learning method introduced by Ms. Naomi Koyama is JFT Basic and Hiragana / Katakana Memory Hint application that is recommended for people who are learning low level Japanese and people who have an interest in learning Japanese characters.