Students Of English Study Program Collaborates With OIA Holding Virtual Education Exhibition 2020

As an implementation of MICE course, class 3C of D-III English Study Program held a  Webinar on Virtual Education Exhibition 2020 with the theme “Studying and Working Abroad” on Thursday (26/11/2020) using the Zoom Meeting platform. The webinar which aimed to provide information for Indonesian students about how to study and work abroad was opened by Vice Director I Supriatna Adhisuwignjo, ST., MT., and was participated by students of Polinema and other campuses.

This webinar was conducted by 13 students and supervised by several lecturers. One of the lecturers in MICE course is Head of Office of International Affairs of Polinema, Hilda Cahyani, SS., M.Pd., Ph.D. In this activity, students applied what they had learned in the MICE course, including drafting the concept of events and committees, and contacting the speakers.

The webinar was divided into two sessions, three speakers of session I were Coordinator of National Campus France Indonesia, Sylvain Lelong-Lacroix, Japan Foundation Jakarta Rezki Fajriannoor and Anggia Septiani Putri. The speakers of session 2 were Vice-Rector for International Relations, Collegium Civitas Dr. Katarzyna Maniszewska, Erasmus + Coordinator at Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland Ms. Anna Jachimiak and Polinema Alumni, Erasmus Mundus scholarship grantee, Nicky Andre Prabatama.

The speakers shared information and experiences about studying and working in foreign countries such as France, Japan and Poland as well as the possibility of obtaining scholarships such as those at Erasmus plus. This event provided opportunities for students to get scholarships and work abroad. It is hoped that students would be inspired by Andre, a Polinema alumnus, to study abroad.

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